
Thursday Nov 18, 2021
E47: On Margin Haunting - Quo Bros, Margin Haunters, & Secular Gurus
Thursday Nov 18, 2021
Thursday Nov 18, 2021
Dawdler’s Classic is back!
In this episode we discuss margin haunting in light of the Decoding the Gurus "gurometer." Then we tour a couple frameworks Ryan has come up with for margin haunting. Plus we unveil a neologism you will want rush out right away and use in the world as soon as you learn it! Yes!
00:03:23 - Evaluation of margin haunters with Decoding the Gurus podcast “gurometer.”
00:44:42 – Margin haunters are substandard to any paradigm.
01:09:01 – Wave fronts, memetic drift, and memetopoles.

Saturday Nov 13, 2021
Shorts - E33: The World
Saturday Nov 13, 2021
Saturday Nov 13, 2021

Friday Oct 29, 2021
Dear Dawdler - E5: To Every Philosophy There Is A Season
Friday Oct 29, 2021
Friday Oct 29, 2021
Oh, the philosophical times they are a-changin'!!
"But HOW!?" you ask.
With the seasons...
And you thought it was all footnotes. Silly philosopher...

Sunday Oct 24, 2021
E46: 10 Things To Hate About Nonfiction Books
Sunday Oct 24, 2021
Sunday Oct 24, 2021
Preeeetty self-explanatory this time. Ryan goes over 10 things he hates, doesn't like, despises, etc., in nonfiction books. Harland does his best to disagree.
Next episode: 10 things Ryan hates about devil's advocacy! Jk.
#1 Maps & Legends - Chapter Maps
#2 Show, Don't Tell, Nonfiction-style
#3 Style & Substance - Epigraphs
#4 In The End - Footnotes & Endnotes
#5 Size Matters - Book Length
#6 E-mail Is Fine - Interviews & Narratives
#7 Story Time - Stories, Yes; Dialogue? Nah
#8 Apology Unaccepted - Using kid gloves with the reader around technical material.
#9 The Elephant In The Room - Little-to-no acknowledgement about popular and comparable ideas.
#10 Big Words, Little Context - Using uncommon phrases, words, and acronyms without giving them the appropriate context and slowing the pace and flow of the reading.

Friday Sep 24, 2021
E45: Dawdler Review - Triamonds, Episodic Synchronies, and NME Skeptics!
Friday Sep 24, 2021
Friday Sep 24, 2021
Whoo boy! Ryan is back in the swing of things with his kids in school and sports and ballet and covid and everyone's FREAKIN OUT! Harland is on a journey through the red states lookin' for a poker game or two. Apparently, Austin is nice...and hot. But they're back with your best interests in mind. Except there is no "mind" and they don't know what your interests are, let alone your best ones, because you won't tell them.
That's why they're doing a review of some core ideas. Now that they have 27.7 listeners they have to onboard all 26.7 of you newbies!
They cover a framework they call "Modes of Inquiry." Then there's Ryan's baby, "Episodic Synchrony." And last, and very much least, Dr. Ought-opus and his idea, NME skepticism. Catch 'em all while you can!
And tell your friends!
Outside, triple masked, and 20 feet apart,
The Dawdlers

Monday Aug 23, 2021
Dear Dawdler - E4: We Live in a Context (So I See)
Monday Aug 23, 2021
Monday Aug 23, 2021
"Make a clear concise description of your podcast" they advise for this input. Umm... good luck with that.

Saturday Aug 21, 2021
Dear Dawdler - E3: We Live in a (Complex) Society
Saturday Aug 21, 2021
Saturday Aug 21, 2021
Another letter. Another obsessive and compulsive repeating of oneself over and over again. Ryan replies to Harland's reply because he can't help but indulge in his thoughts and justifications. Maybe Ryan misses the point. Maybe he's on point. Tune in to find out!

Sunday Aug 15, 2021
Shorts - E32: Putting Thumbs on a Penguin
Sunday Aug 15, 2021
Sunday Aug 15, 2021
No one needed this. Few people wanted it. But here it is, world. Basically, we're standing near an on-ramp to the infosphere holding a black markered cardboard sign which reads, "Will podcast for beer - God jest you".

Sunday Aug 08, 2021
Dear Dawdler - E2: We Are All in the Same Boat
Sunday Aug 08, 2021
Sunday Aug 08, 2021
Here I am, never-minding my own business when I stub my toe on a liter litter bottle full of semantics. Well how's about that?! It's from my old buddy old pal Sci-Guy Ry-- what a nice surprise!
I should really not Dawdle too long and get back to him, lest remain least on the list of priorities!
Feel free to listen in, dear old friends.

Thursday Aug 05, 2021
Dear Dawdler - E1: We Are All Mutineers
Thursday Aug 05, 2021
Thursday Aug 05, 2021
We Dawdlers are as advertised. But we're back. Don't get all excited.
In this new kind of episode Ryan Writes Harland a "letter." Will Harland write back?